Weight Loss w/Common Sense
How would you really like to shed those pounds you have been trying to get rid of. A lot of you have been trying for years to lose weight and have been unsuccessful in your endeavor no matter how much you go to the gym. Not to mention that you have tried every new weight loss pill and supplement that has come on the market. Some of you may have had some success in shedding a few pounds only to put it back on after a period of time. Does any of this sound familiar to you guys? I'm pretty sure it does because like you I went thru the same process time after time until I decided to try a different approach and by applying a Common Sense approach to losing weight I have gone from 273 lbs. to 228 lbs. Got your attention with that one didn't I.
So now I'm sure you are wondering what got me these results without the help of pills, supplements and by not spending one single day in the gym. I simply quit eating a lot of the junk that is being passed off as food. I no longer eat any fast food, McDonald's, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A and the list goes on. A lot of the items in the grocery store I no longer eat and the biggest one for me is sugar, which I now substitute with honey. Trust me when I tell you coffee taste better with a teaspoon of honey. Honestly the list of items in our grocery stores that we shouldn't be eating is a mile long and I will give you the scoop on all of them in future post and trust me when I say you're going to want to buckle up for that Blog post because the list is mind blowing. Yet everything in the stores is approved by the FDA, which brings me to the point of putting them in the spotlight.
Everything that you have learned about nutrition and the fact that the FDA has been telling us for as long as I can remember that you should have three complete meals a day: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Now before I go any further, I want you to look up how long it takes the body to digest a meal. Remember to take into account the type of food you are eating and the individual differences because we are all different, but normally it takes this much time for food to digest, as stated by Doctor Elizabeth Rajan, M.D. and believe me when I say that I didn't just include the information from one search but several different Medical sites and I decided to go with the information provided by Dr. Rajan- Specialties: Gastroenterology with over 21 years' experience at the MAYO Clinic
Digestion time varies among individuals and between men and women. After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion, absorption of water and, finally, elimination of undigested food. It takes about 36 hours for food to move through the entire colon. All in all, the whole process — from the time you swallow food to the time it leaves your body as feces — takes about two to five days, depending on the individual.
Now let us just think about that for a minute and apply a little Common Sense to the equation. If it takes the body that long to process a single meal what is the effect of eating three times a day. The answer is simple, you are overworking the hell out of your body and that gut you can't seem to get rid of isn't really your gut but unprocessed food that has yet to be digested or should I just simply say, "It's poop!!!" and to make matters worse a lot of that poop sitting in your digestive tract is just sitting there, why; because your body doesn't know what to do with it mainly because a lot of what you have been eating has no nutritional value at all to your body but don't worry, we'll get to that subject later and believe me when I tell you that rabbit hole runs deep. Here's an example for you that occurred after me giving a co-worker some advice on things I no longer purchase in grocery stores. I was telling him that I only buy bread now from the bakery because it is cook daily and has only natural ingredients and is way better for you than the light bread that you normally buy and have been buying for years. After a few weeks had past my Co-worker comes up to me and states that he will never buy that type of bread ever again. He went on to tell me how mad he was that the bread from the bakery only lasted about 4 days before he had to throw it out because it was starting to mold. He went on to state how the bread he normally buys last him for at least two weeks and doesn't mold at all. Now for those of us with a little Common Sense you can imagine the expression on my face and believe me when I tell you that I just really wanted to go into my Fred G. Sanford mode and say, "You Big Dummy!", but after about a 2 second pause I decided to let the Dummy be a Dummy.
You see everyone the thing my Co-worker was ignorant of was in his own statement. "My bread doesn't mold after two weeks while the bread from the bakery was molded after 4 days." Now I'm sure you guys have seen all the viral videos of people showing how they bought some particular food item (McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A... etc.) and let it sit out and the food did not mold. The food doesn't mold because it really isn't food. It is nothing but a bunch of toxins, chemical and preservatives that manufactures use to give the product a longer shelf life. Read the ingredient label on some of your favorite foods and you literally have to be a Science Teacher to know what the hell is listed.
So short and sweet, not to waste your time because I could literally write a book about this. Applying a little Common Sense to your everyday living can lead to some eye-opening events the question is are you willing to unlearn everything that you have been taught. Here are some tips that will help you cut out processed foods. Start by filling your plate with fresh fruits, veggies, lean proteins like chicken or fish, and whole grains such as brown rice.
Plan Ahead: Meal prep for the week so you won't rely on packaged meals.
Read Labels: If it has more than 5 ingredients or any you can't pronounce, skip it.
Swap: Replace sugary snacks with nuts or fresh fruit. Ditch soda for water or herbal tea.
Cook More: Home-cooked meals give you control over what goes into your body.
Be Mindful: Focus on your hunger and fullness cues to avoid overeating.